Decorating Your RV with Exterior Lighting: Yes or No?

The premise for this post is a simple question: do you decorate your RV with exterior lighting? Whether you are talking motorhome, fifth wheel, or travel trailer, there are some RV owners who take exterior lighting very seriously. On the other end are those who don’t utilize exterior lighting at all. What is your preference?

There is something to be said about utilizing enough exterior lighting to make moving around outside safer. But there is also something to be said about avoiding light pollution. Therein lies the challenge of decorating with exterior lighting. Unfortunately, it is not an exact science.

Improving the Aesthetics

So, why do people decorate their RVs with lights? To improve the aesthetics. Let’s be honest, even the most expensive motorhome is little more than a long box on wheels. In the dark, its sheer size can look daunting. A few well-placed lights can really make a difference.

If you are an experienced RV owner, you have undoubtedly seen campers who hang strings of lights from their awnings. Some hang lights around the windows while others make regular use of tiki torches. It’s really a preference thing.

Exterior Lighting for Safety

In addition to improving aesthetics, exterior lighting can also make a campsite safer. For example, imagine installing LED rope lights under each of the steps leading into your trailer or motorhome. The soft glow will add a nice touch of class when the sun goes down. But it will also make it easier for you to step inside without tripping.

Those same rope lights strung around the bottom of your RV can make it easier for you to see your AirSkirts inflatable RV skirting at night. This could help prevent an untimely accident caused by getting too close to the skirting with something that could puncture the material. Lighting acts as a reminder that the skirting is there.

Remembering the Neighbors

The thing about exterior lighting is that you are not the only one who sees it. So do all your campground neighbors. So you really have to be cognizant of how much lighting you actually use. After all, annoying your neighbors is a good way to ruin the camping experience.

One suggestion is to limit your exterior lighting to just a few pieces. There is also nothing wrong with having a frank conversation with your neighbors when you first arrive. Tell them what you like to do with lighting and see what they say. You may discover they are on board with just about anything. On the other hand, you might also discover that they like to keep things on the dark side.

Whatever you do, it’s best to not leave exterior lighting on all night. When you go to bed, turn off all the lights. Otherwise, your neighbors might have trouble sleeping. Just be a good neighbor and you’ll avoid trouble.

Maybe You Like It Dark

So far, this post has discussed exterior RV lighting from the perspective of being in favor of it. But maybe that’s not you. Perhaps you prefer to keep things dark. In your case, the only exterior light on your RV is the one the manufacturer installed by the side door.

It is perfectly okay to not like exterior RV lighting. We are all different. Feel free to avoid all exterior lighting other than the evening campfire and your flashlights. Whatever makes for an optimal camping experience for you is great.

For everyone else, there are as many options for exterior lighting as there are for RV skirting. Do whatever makes you happy. Just be cognizant of your neighbors.