How Do Full-Time RVers Actually Make a Decent Living?

Visit any campground in America and you are likely to find a good selection of full timers. Some are retired, but many still work. You might wonder how that’s possible. Well, quite frankly, there are plenty of things full timers can do to make a decent living even as they crisscross the country in their motorhomes or fifth wheels.

Making a living as a full-time RVer is a lot like protecting a motorhome’s plumbing with RV skirting. It is a matter of thinking things through, making a plan, and then following through on that plan. Where RV skirting is concerned, we think AirSkirts is the best product on the market. As far as making a full-time living, there are a lot of options.

Remote Office Work

It should be no surprise that there are still plenty of people working remotely some two years after the start of the COVID crisis. For example, Google told its employees in the spring of 2021 that some of them would be allowed to permanently work from remote locations.

If there is never a need to go back to the office, there also isn’t a need to always work from the kitchen table or bedroom desk. In fact, why not take your gig on the road? A permanent remote work opportunity may not be ideal for the RV lifestyle, but you might be able to make it work if your employer is flexible.

Freelance Writing and Copywriting

Freelance writers who spend their days producing articles and website copy have long been remote workers. Because it isn’t necessary to work in a formal office, most don’t. They can work anywhere they have an internet connection. Be it a cafe or under an RV awning at a campground.

Freelance writing and copywriting is a common way for full timers to earn a decent living. However, it is also an incredibly competitive industry. You have to be able to put out a considerable amount of high quality content to earn good money.

Travel Blogging

Where freelance writers and copywriters produce content on nearly every topic under the sun, there are some writers who make a living blogging about their travels. This is another common way for full timers to make a living. They blog about their experiences for the benefit of other RV owners.

How do they make money doing so? One option is to sell advertising space to companies targeting the RV audience. Another is to produce how-to guides and videos they can sell to readers. Some travel bloggers also produce videos that they monetize on YouTube and other sites.

Mobile RV Mechanic

Not every moneymaking opportunity involves technology and computers. In fact, one of the most profitable ways to make a living as a full-time RVer is to actually meet the needs of your fellow RV owners. A case in point is the mobile RV mechanic. His services are needed at every campground in the country.

There are different ways to approach this sort of thing. One mechanic might park his RV at a campground and spend the entire season there. If there is enough work, there’s no need to move around. Another might hook up with a group of travelers and tour the country with them. Not only will they need repairs, but so will others they run into at public campgrounds. Either way, there is never a shortage of work.

There are lots of different ways full-time RV owners earn a living. The few ideas listed here only scratch the surface. Needless to say, you don’t have to be retired to enjoy the full-time RV lifestyle.